Bun: DIY Live Reload

Live reload lets you see changes instantly in your browser whenever you save any files. It's a must-have if you want to iterate quickly on any browser content. Live reload isn't baked into Bun, but it's fairly easy to wire up.

Here's an example of what we'll be building:

// Watch the css and dist directories, and refresh all browsers when
// any changes are detected. Browsers will also refresh when the server
// restarts.
const liveReload = makeLiveReloadMiddleware({ watchdirs: ['css', 'dist'] });

// Wrap our request handler in the middleware.
const requestHandler = liveReload(async (req) => {
  return new Response(someHTML, {
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'text/html',

// Create the server
Bun.serve({ port, fetch: requestHandler });

How it works

The hackiest part is the way we inject the script into our responses. We detect any HTML responses, read their payload, and replace </head> with <script>...</script></head>. Definitely hacky, and if you have any massive, streaming HTML endpoints (e.g. that dumps a huge table out, or whatever), you may want to either optimize this implementation, or add the ability to ignore certain problematic endpoints.


 * This middleware provides live-reload functionality in dev-environments.
 * It intercepts any client requests made to a unique URL (endpointPath),
 * holding those connections open until a file change is detected.
 * When we detect a file change, we'll respond to all connected clients,
 * sending them into refresh mode. They also go into refresh mode when
 * bun restarts (e.g. if running bun --watch, and making a change to a server
 * file).
 * The hackiest part of this is the way we inject our live-reload script
 * into the head of all HTML responses.

import type { Server } from 'bun';
import path from 'node:path';
import { watch } from 'fs';

// The Bun Serve.fetch handler singnature
type HTTPHandler = (request: Request, server: Server) => Response | Promise<Response>;

// The type signature of a middleware function
type Middleware = (next: HTTPHandler) => HTTPHandler;

 * If running in dev-mode, watch the watchdirs folders for changes, and notify clients.
export function makeLiveReloadMiddleware(opts: { watchdirs: string[] }): Middleware {
  // In non-dev environments, this middleware is a noop
  if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'development') {
    return (next) => next;

  // An async function which will notify long-poll request handlers of file changes
  const waitForFileChange = makeFileWaiter(opts.watchdirs);

  // The endpoint for long-poll requests
  const endpointPath = '/livereload-0e4e2dfb-646b-4608-9943-ad3cad795856';

  // The script we'll inject to perform the long-poll from the browser
  const liveReloadScript = `<script>(${clientScript.toString()}("${endpointPath}"));</script>`;

  console.log(`[livereload] watching ${opts.watchdirs} for changes`);

  return function liveReloadMiddleware(next) {
    return async (req, server) => {
      // If our long-poll endpoint is being requested, we'll wait for a file
      // change, then we'll notify the client.
      if (req.url.endsWith(endpointPath)) {
        return new Response(await waitForFileChange(), {
          headers: { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' },

      // If it's not an HTML response, we'll just pass it along
      const result = await next(req, server);
      if (!result.headers.get('Content-Type')?.startsWith('text/html')) {
        return result;

      // We have an HTML response, so we'll inject our live reload script
      const body = await result.text();
      return new Response(body.replace('</head>', `${liveReloadScript}</head>`), {
        headers: result.headers,

 * This is the client-side function. We'll stringify this and inject
 * it into any HTML payload that has a `</head>` tag.
async function clientScript(endpointPath: string) {
  // Detect when the user is navigating away, in which case we don't
  // want to interfere by refreshing.
  let navigating = false;
  window.addEventListener('beforeunload', () => {
    navigating = true;

  // Show a little "Reconnecting..." message when we've lost
  // the server connection.
  function showStatus() {
    const el = document.createElement('div');
    el.innerHTML = `
      <div style="position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; z-index: 10000; background: #800; padding: 2px 4px; text: white">

  // Re-attempt the connection in a loop after which, refresh
  async function reconnect() {
    if (navigating) {
    let backoff = 10;
    for (let i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
      try {
        await fetch('/');
      } catch {
        await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, backoff));
        backoff = Math.min(backoff * 1.05, 500);
    !navigating && location.reload();

  // Hit the middlware endpoint and wait for either a response or
  // a disconnect, sending us into the reconnect / refresh phase.
    .then((x) => x.text())
    .then(reconnect, reconnect);

// Make a function which can be used to wait for file changes in any
// of the specified directories.
function makeFileWaiter(watchdirs: string[]) {
  let reloadResolve: (s: string) => void;
  let reloadPromise: Promise<string>;

  const resetPromise = () => {
    reloadPromise = new Promise((resolve) => {
      reloadResolve = resolve;

  watchdirs.forEach((dir) => {
    watch(path.join(process.cwd(), dir), { recursive: true }, (_event, filename) => {
      const resolve = reloadResolve;
      resolve(filename || 'filechange');

  return () => reloadPromise;